Eldon Turner lives in Gainesville, Florida. He was the inaugural editor of Bacopa, the literary journal of the Writers Alliance of Gainesville, and remains as poetry editor. He has published poetry in several print and on-line journals including Blind Man’s Rainbow, Harpur Palate, Inspirit, Jet Fuel Review, Main Street Rag, Poetalk, and Prairie Poetry.


Song of the Middle Creek

Traveler sketches himself into the story. Paths never converge.
His eyes at fault - too few hyphens for a good guide.
Knap-sack, back-pack, stream-of-conscience. Brogues, bogs.
Dead leaves clog the spring, but some falls keeps up the roar.
Loud grows into the music of religion: songs rising from nowhere.
Dulcimer, dulcet, delirium – all nature’s sounds, native ghosts and quest –
unsplash the little freshet when it runs into a rock. Tick, tick,
a bird in the bush, a boost, an earful before the singing breaks through,
bird-words – many fish bed the black bear well. Here is skimming-knife
and skinny-dip, day-nude, night as big as all outdoors. Noise-birds – all
the warring chits and chirps turn voices into a scrimmage in the roost. 



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